Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn is the third child of the late King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit. She was born on Saturday 2nd of April 1955 (A.D) at Dusit Palace. Her title at birth was Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn.
Her seemingly infinite royal duties are so beneficial to the country and her subjects that she was proclaimed by King Rama IX (King Bhumibol) Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on the auspicious occasion of the King’s Birthday celebration of December 5th, 1977.
On the occasion of King Rama IX’s ascension to the throne of May 4th, 2019, she ascended to the royal title of the King’s Sister. This is for her being such a noble sister who performed multitude of royal duties for the country and also for assisting and relieving the King himself on myriad occasions.
Her Royal Highness completed her primary and secondary education at Chitralada School which is situated within the majestic compound of Chitralada Palace where King Bhumibol resided. She then entered Chulalongkorn University through the requisite entrance examination. She graduated with gold medal first-class honours in Arts (and History). She moverd on to complete her graduate studies at both Silpakorn and Chulalongkorn universities and was awarded respectively Master’s degrees in Epigraphy in Oriental Languages (Silpakorn University) and in Pali-Sanskrit Languages (Chulalongkorn University). Her Royal Highness’s intense interest in languages and developments lead her to further studies that earned her a doctorate degree in Development Education form Srinakharinwirot University.
She began her teaching services in the year 1980 at Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy where she assumed the military rank of General and was the Director of Department of History. She remained in this priviledged position until her normal retirement in 2015.
Her Royal Highness’s lasting interest and eagerness for knowledge in all fields of study besides the aforementioned subject matters are nearly unimaginable. These fields are, to name just a few, physical geography, socioeconomics, botanical sciences, soil and water management, remote sensing, cartography, nutritional science (nutrition and dietetics). She applies the knowledge to improve community development, especially rural development, for the well-being of her subjects.

Her Royal Highness is fluent in French, German, Chinese, besides English of course, and still keeps practicing. She is also very much interested in such subjects as information technology, biotechnology. astronomy, nuclear and particle physics. She would love to participate in conferences, whether they be national or international, and to engage herself in discussions. She regularly visits various academic institutions around the world to meet with experts in order to learn form and to keep up-to-date.

Since May 6th, 2008, she has again brought to life the dream of Her Royal Aunt Princess Galyani Vadhana by graciously accepting the role of the Patron and President of the POSN Foundation. Following her royal suggestion the Foundation has expanded its scope to encompass schools nationwide and to improve the quality of teaching personnel for school Olympiad projects in mathematics, computer sciences, chemistry, biology, and physics. Her Royal Highness is also very much concerned that the teaching of classical geography be updated to physical geography. And, in accordance with the wish of Her Royal Highness, Thailand has since the year 2015 participated in the International Olympiad in Geography, as well.